photo by Lisle & Sally Baker
On view in Boston above Fort Point Channel on the Harborwalk.
Boston was chosen for its role in one of the most complex and formative moments in U.S. history, the Boston Tea Party. Focused on early U.S. history, this location asks us to consider those who were granted rights, those who were excluded, and the subsequent legacy of colonization. Liberty Bell invites viewers to reflect on one of the early struggles for American liberty and independence while questioning how the Boston Tea Party shaped the future of the country, and the contested definition of freedom. In other words, freedom for whom?
On site, the AR artwork’s ephemerality illuminates the fragile moment we face as a nation. In this location, accessible to a public audience, Liberty Bell invites viewers the opportunity to consider their own experiences of liberty, freedom and injustice and inequality. The drawing floats over the water of the Channel.
Go to Fort Point Channel and head to the middle of the Harborwalk between the Congress and Seaport bridges on either side for best viewing. The drawing floats over the water of the Channel. This site is wheelchair accessible.
Ideal viewing area is indicated within the red boxes: